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Become a Partner

Corporates and Companies

Rotary, Church and Community Groups

If your Rotary Club, church or community group are interested in partnering with us, we’d be delighted to.  In the past our staff or Trustees have given talks at group meetings or attended events.  We’d love to discuss ideas with you so please do not hesitate to contact us at scorekenya@gmail.com


If you work at, or attend, a school, college or university and would like to explore ways of working together then please get in touch!

We’ve had lots of different types of partnerships which have involved us; developing a lesson resource pack on what it’s like to grow up and learn in Kenya, creating fundraising idea packs, giving presentations to school students, hosting University students on placements, swapping class letters with the students in Kenya.  We’ve had teachers in the UK partnering with teachers in Kenya and sharing tips and skills with each other, we’ve also had teachers and lecturers visit our work in Kenya – so there’s lots of different ways to get involved!

We understand with many children and students having to learn remotely at some point in the last year that it’s really important to find new ways to engage in learning.


We’d love to chat about ideas with you so please do not hesitate to contact us at 
