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Making Well Informed Efforts to Nurture Vulnerables OVC Project (MWENDO)

Catholic Relief Services (CRS - Kenya)

Programme : Improve the well-being of children Orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV

Partnership Period - From 2018 - 2021

Project was conducted in Siaya County

  • Alego Usonga
  • Gem
  • Ugenya
  • Ugunja

Child -focused and Family -Centred

  1. Administration Wards - 19
  2. OVC COP Targets - FY 2018/19 - FY 2021/22 - 23,408
  3. OVC Case Load - 17,660 (cumulative)
  4. Children & Adolescents living with HIV - 4,176 (cumulative)
  5. Households - 5,353 (cumulative)
  6. Health Facilities - 116
  7. Satellite Offices - 4
  8. Community Work Force - 210
  9. Implementation Staff - 26
  10. Volunteers - 16
  11. Funding (KES) - 115,000.000
  • Case management in OVC
  • Household Economic Strengthening
  • County systems strengthening for Child protection