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About Us

Sustainable Community Opportunities for Restoration and Empowerment - SCORE

Sustainable Community Opportunities for Restoration and Empowerment – SCORE is a Child – focused Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in January 2004 by a team of community development workers as a visionary framework to express the concerns for the needs of children and advocate for genuine commitment and solidarity to address child suffering. SCORE was later registered in March 2006 by the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Board with the mandate to work with vulnerable communities affected by HIV in the Lake Victoria Regions of Kenya

The organization is governed by a Board comprising of 7 members; (4 males and 3 females) and is premised on the platform of Improving the Welfare and Protection of children dejected and devastated by ill-health and poverty at household levels. The organization is committed to Responsive and Empowering initiatives towards improved sustainable community health and development.

Our Vision

SCORE envisions ‘’a Just Society” for Children.

Our Mission

The organization focuses on Increasing access to opportunities for Vulnerable Households towards optimal Health, Education, Advocacy and Livelihoods; summarized as HEAL, through synergistic, empowering, innovative, participatory and rights-based initiatives.

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Computer Science

Our Teachers

Whatever your aim for you future, we have the perfect program to get you there.
Patrick Foster
PHD - Economics
Lana Seighel
PHD - Computer Science
Charlos Curtis
PHD - Physics
Richard Collins
PHD - Sociology

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